Archive for the ‘Diet’ Category

Healthy Cooking Tip of the Week

A new thing that I wanted to start here was introducing new recipes to help you to improve your diet and weight loss. For each meal I’ll try to make it first before I post here to let you know how it came out. For the first one I tried to make a healthy Cucumber Salad. I found this recipe on Youtube and was able to make it with no problems and it tasted great. Below is the video on how to make a Cucumber Salad. Good luck and healthy eating!

The Most Important Thing When Trying to Lose Weight

So I’m trying to lose about 10 pounds to not just look better but to also get healthier and I admit it has been extremely difficult. Every time I see someone eating any type of desert I just want to rip it from out of their hands and eat it. I haven’t done that yet or else I would most likely be writing this post from prison. As I’m trying to lose this extra weight it has become clear to me what the most important thing is when trying to lose weight and that is having a detailed plan. I know most of you are probably saying “Duh, that’s pretty obvious” but it is really important. Continue reading

Going on a Diet

With the Summer quickly approaching many future beach goers are trying to shed those extra pounds so they can look good in their bathing suits. A solid diet and regularly exercising is a good way to lose some of that extra weight you have. If you decide to go on a diet make sure you know what you’re doing as some diets are not healthy for your body or don’t really help you lose weight. I’ve had friends who tried to go on a diet using their so called “sure proof plan” and ended up gaining weight. By having a plan and making sure you follow that plan it will help you look good in that bathing suit for when you go to the lake or the beach this Summer. Below is a video of some tips for your diet that can help you lose those last few pounds.

Eating Healthy for Just $3 a Day

As someone trying to lose weight and not having thousands of dollars to spend on expensive weight loss programs I usually go online for tips on how to lose weight without having to spend a fortune. I recently came upon this article on how to eat healthily and only spend $3 a day. When I first read the title I thought it was impossible to do and would only be eating bread and water because with the way food prices are going up $3 doesn’t really buy you that much. Boy was I wrong and impressed with what this person came up with. They were able to come up with full meals and only spend $3 a day. Here is the breakdown of price and daily quantities they consumed: Continue reading